In the present scenario of the competitive market, companies are competing to maximize their market share by penetrating existing market. Marketing communication is therefore a very crucial and necessary tool that enables companies to get to their customers and increases brand awareness and loyalty. The project attempted to know the effectiveness of POS and to find how displays plays role in purchasing decision, which mode of POS or displays can highly influence people. The objectives of the study is to identify the effectiveness of POS display and the influence of POS in buying Behaviour of customers and retailers in soft drinks. The impact of POS in sales in the Modern trade shops and analyze the effectiveness of POS at present in modern trade shops. The major findings are customer seeks knowledge of the product through Media and advertisement of the respective product. Customers really do not have time enough to experiment the quality of the product since they find in shop branding to time saving to choose and finalize the product to buy. Customers are said to be more attracted to be in discount offers and second most to the attractive displays. Finally it is recommended that the branding should create the positive feeling about the product and the quality should convince the customer needs. There should be promotion of discount offers & attractive displays by the retailers. The Pepsi should be able to provide more accuracy in sales promotion where it cannot deviate from the performance by competing Coca cola.