How to publish a research paper?

Publishing a research paper involve many steps which involve research work, research analysis, report & documentation and publication. Before these steps we have to do preparation of experiment which involve what to do & how to do. To perform this step we need the guidance from our professors guides, expert in their field and sometime internet is also very useful for the preparation of the research work / experiment.
Now after completing our preparation we know our topic, background of the selected topics characteristics of involved components and factors. Now we can move further steps. In every step we have to be very careful because the methods and there factors are going to give result. We have to be alert at the time of result and note down the readings carefully .Method of experiment must be very clear to perform our experiment.
Documentation and publication is also very important the short from of the research report is called research paper in the research paper its involved title authors detail, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review ,method of experiment result and dictation consolation future work acknowledgment and references .
To publish a research paper we have to discuss with our guide and co-author the best way to find a good journal to publish research articales is google. Google is search engine which provide useful information where we can find many journals where se can publish our research paper you can also publish your research paper in our journals IJTRA which is one of the best journal with the high impact factor and large number of reading audience you can email your paper to or you can go to our website and submit your research paper