Among the Energy Resources, Liquid fuels are the most valuable indispensable part of our existence. It has satisfied a number of our needs starting from cooking to propelling Airplanes. In the present Investigation, Kerosene forms the basis of interest. It is employed primarily as a fuel and illuminant. The scope of the present investigation is to increase the conservation of Kerosene. This can be achieve by enhancing the mode of heat transfer in a conventional Kerosene stove. As it is well known that radiative heat transfer co-efficient is greater than the convective heat transfer co-efficient. In order to achieve this, model of Nichrome wires are used with existing Kerosene stove.
The success of endeavour can be determined by the fact that if radiation is attained for a given amount of fuel burnt, the heat transfer by radiation would be in greater excess than the heat transfer through convection, there by resulting in saving of the amount of fuel used for same heat load. The investigation is successful because it made possible to achieve an increase of around 6-7 % in efficiency, which in turn saves approximately 1 million tons of Kerosene a year globally. In monetary terms this is equivalent to a saving of around 9000 millions of Indian rupees.