Selecting the location for wind farm is a complex process involving not only technical feasibility, but also physical, economic, and environmental requirements that may result in conflicting objectives. Such complexities necessitate the simultaneous use of Geographical Information System (GIS), Boolean Logic and Fuzzy logic. GIS was applied based on a set of criteria derived from the spatial aspects, physical, environment and economical. Multi criteria evaluation (MCE) is perhaps the most fundamental of decision support operations in geospatial technology. This paper reviews two main MCE approaches employed in GIS, namely Boolean and Fuzzy logic. Aintegrated model was developed to evaluate the potential locations of wind in Pollachi Taluk, Tamil Nadu. This integration could benefit investors and decision makers. The key idea of this paper is to explicate the procedure of getting a prototype GIS application to offer a scheme for supporting location decisions with regard to the carrying out of wind energy developers.