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Rate of Failed Induction of Labour at 41 completed weeks or beyond at the Maternity Teaching Hospital

Likaa Maddah Ebrahem, MB ChB, Ishraq Mahmood Shakir, MBChB

Objective: to identify the rate of failed induction of labour at 41 completed weeks and beyond at the Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil city and to find out the risk factors that lead to failed induction of labour at 41 completed weeks and beyond. Method: This is a prospective observational simple descriptive study on women admitted for labour induction in Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil City from April 2015 to April 2016. V Induction was considered successful if the patient delivered vaginally and failed if it ended up in Caesarean Section. Results: A total of 195 women were included in this study. 35.4 percent of our pregnant population who underwent induction of labour failed to deliver vaginally. 100% of 18 obese women failed induction of labour. 75% of 40 women with sever oligohydramneous and 41.7% of 96 nulliparous women had failed induction of labour. Conclusion: Obesity, sever oligohydramneous and nulliparity had strongest association with failed Induction of Labour.