In this paper we discus the mechanism of synthesizing and filtering digital radio pulses practically in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) using digital matched filter (DMF) according to digital convolution algorithm in the time domain for the input signal(radio pulse) and the reference signal (copy of the signal) using a digital programmable device (Cyclone II EP2C70F896C6 FPGA, Altera), which was placed on an education and development board (DE2-70, Terasic) according the following parameters: sampling frequency Fsam=50MHz , pulse width , pulse period , number of samples M=300 , signal to noise ratio at filter input SNRinp=1/1,1/2,1/3,1/8 ,gain processing factor SNRout/SNRinp=24.7dB.
Results of the filter operation studied using digital oscilloscope for input and output signals for the values of SNRinp menshend above.