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Aida Abdullah, Dr. Hjh Sabitha Marican

Deviant behavior is a recurring workplace behavioral problem. It happened in many organizations and has now transcends in public organization. An appropriate attention to deviance problem is necessary, because this problem brings harmful effects to the organization, economically and socially. Hence this article aims to identify the prevalence of deviant behavior and leadership behavior and to study the association between the two, as literatures indicate that the organizational leadership influences deviant behavior. In this study, two forms of leadership were emphasized which include control and flexibility leadership. Meanwhile two perspectives of deviant behavior are used to classify deviant behaviors, which are organizational deviance and interpersonal deviance. These perspectives are useful as it identifies deviant behavior of different severity and target. Result indicated that, control and flexible leaderships are prevalence. The study also indicated that organizational and interpersonal deviance is present. While correlation analysis reveals that control and flexibility leadership influences organizational and interpersonal deviance negatively. In sum, the study supports the deviance literatures and showed that, leadership causes improvement in organizational environment which can deter deviant behavior.